We are hosting a screen printing play session at our house.
We will be using paper stencils to print 2 or three colour designs. We will have two silk screens for use.
Note: This workshop has now been and gone. You can read a write-up of it in on this page: Screen printing Oct '23 .
With screen printing many image making techniques are possible. However for this workshop we will be sticking to simple designs and colours. There are quite a few steps in making screen prints, including a fair bit of cleaning up after each print. So we are trying to keep it simple for this session, so that everyone can have a go, and everyone can finish a print.
Here is a video showing the technique we'll be deploying:
Screen Printing: How to make PAPER STENCILS!.
See these two examples below.
If you want to hand draw your design, before turning it into a stencil, we'd recommend drawing it on thin paper, ideally with something that gives a heavy mark. And then lay your stencil paper over the original drawing, and trace out the parts that will make up a stencil.
Try to keep to 2 or 3 colours maximum. We will be printing with flat colours, so no gradients or shading.